Alien Dovecote
Stogursey Priory, also called Stoke Courcy Priory or The Priory of St Andrew de Stoke, was a Benedictine alien priory dedicated to St Andrew at Stogursey in Somerset, England.[1] It was founded by William de Falaise, around 1100, to become a cell of Lonlay-l'Abbaye in Normandy.[2][3] In around 1185 John de Courcy, its hereditary patron, founded the Priory of the Ards (Blackabbey) in County Down, Ireland, making an endowment of that estate to Stogursey Priory.[4] The priory church survives as the parish church, and contains some of the original Norman architecture.[5][6] Many of the priory's muniments are held in the archives of Eton College, which King Henry VI endowed with the appurtenances when the house was dissolved in about 1440.[7]
alien dovecote
Today virtually nothing remains of the abbey, apart from the Church of St Andrew itself (a splendid if somewhat over-restored survival, which also serves the village), and the dovecote. The church has been designated by English Heritage as a grade I listed building.[19] The site may overlie an earlier Saxon establishment, and is one of the largest in West Somerset. The church retains elements of the Norman architecture (notably in the tower and transepts): the footings of the original apsidal ends to the transepts and chancels have been investigated.[1] The round medieval thatched dovecote was rebuilt in 1925, though the steps are still original.[20]
The property was bought in 1603 by Sir Edward Coke. The manor remained in the Coke family for several generations, and Thomas Coke, created Baron Lovel in 1728, abandoned Minster Lovell Hall in 1747.[8] Large parts of the buildings were dismantled.[9] By the early nineteenth century the ruins of Minster Lovell Hall were thought to have been the buildings of an alien priory.[10]
The quite extensive ruins of Minster Lovell Hall are now in the care of English Heritage as a Grade I listed building[12] and scheduled monument.[13] The most prominent features are the Hall with its ornamented entrance porch and the south west tower. A dovecote, probably also built in the fifteenth century, is also part of the site.[12] Much of the site has fallen over the years but large amounts remain to this day.
The buildings are now almost completely destroyed, apart from the former abbot's house, the precinct wall and a dovecote.[4] A fragment of vaulting, possibly from a passageway in the cloister, survives in Chepstow Priory Church, displayed on the stump of its crossing tower.
It is true that Es Vedrà is made of limestone, so there are no magnetic metals there, but even without evidence showing that it is a force of attraction, there have been many reports of navigation instruments affected when approaching the area or penetrating in the mysterious triangle of silence, located in the vertices that form Es Vedrà, the southwest coast of Mallorca and the rock of Ifach (Alicante). Even the disorientation of pigeons when passing through this area is certified by their breeders, who say they are unable to return to the dovecote.
In 1114 Henry I gave the Avebury estate to William de Tancarville, his chamberlain, and William almost immediately gave it to the abbey of St. Georges de Boscherville in Normandy. A priory was established in Avebury shortly after this time. As an alien priory (owned from abroad) Avebury Priory was subject to the political whims of English monarchs. In 1411 the priory was given to Fotheringhay College in Northamptonshire.
Starting off at a hectic lick down the leafy corridors, we traversed an emotional gamut which must be familiar to amazed explorers since Minoan times: supreme confidence; rueful admiration at the designer's ingenuity; irked perplexity; refusal to admit defeat; blank incomprehension at repeated disappointment; abject failure. But it wasn't the familiar Jerome K Jerome story of not being able to get out. Quite the reverse. Don't ask me why, but we never managed to plumb the heart of the maze. Every time we got near the dovecote which marked its core, the path we chose veered away and dumped us somewhere outside. Eventually, Mrs W insisted on an undignified retreat, ensuring my acquiescence by tugging on my ear. On emerging, we discovered that both the house and grounds had been locked up and we were presented with the unexpected bonus of having to puzzle our way out.
You might recall that it was an aggressive alien crustacean known as the Chinese Mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis) which John Prescott addressed as "Peter", thereby enlivening a slow news day in August. But it is not only the Deputy Prime Minister who has recently encountered a crustacean interloper. I did so myself in Tesco's Scarborough branch list week, where I came across a small dressed crab that had no right to be there. I admit there was nothing unusual about the breed. It was a bog-standard common crab (Cancer pagurus). What made me turn crabby was the sign above the crustacean which proudly asserted that it came from Cromer in Norfolk.
Whereas by indentures of lease and appointment and release the lease bearing date on the day next before the day of the date of the appointment and release and the appointment and release bearing or intended to bear even date with these presents and made or expresed to be made between Leonard Norfolk of East Drayton in the said County of Nottingham Farmer of the first part William Nicholson of Dunham in the said County of Nottingham Farmer of the second part and the said Henry Duke of Newcastle of the third part For the considerations in the said indenture of appointment and release expressed The said Leonard Norfolk Did direct limit and appoint and also grant bargain sell alien release ratify and confirm and the said William Nicholson Did bargain sell and release unto the said Henry Duke of Newcastle his heirs and assigns All that messuage dwellinghouse or tenement situate standing and being in the parish of East Markham in the said County of Nottingham with the yard garden stable dovecote cowhouse and appurtenances thereunto adjoining and belonging And Also All that close piece or parcel of inclosed land or ground situate lying and being in East Markham aforesaid called or known by the name of the Howgates Close containing by estimation three acres (be the same more or less) And Also All that other close piece or parcel of inclosed land or ground also situate lying and being in the parish of East Markham aforesaid and called or known by the name of the Howgates close containing six acres and six perches (be the same more or less) which said messuage closes and premises were or are bounded respectively on or towards the west by the great North road on or towards the north by an estate belonging to the said Duke of Newcastle and on or towards the east and south by lands of the said Duke of Newcastle and were then in the tenure or occupation of the said Leonard Norfolk Together with the rights members and appurtenances to the same hereditaments and premises belonging or appertaining To hold the same unto and to the use of the said Henry Duke of Newcastle his heirs and assigns for ever And whereas the deeds evidences and writings comprized or mentioned in the schedule hereunder written are in the custody and possession of the said William Cobb and relate not only to the title of the said messuage or tenement closes lands and hereditaments so appointed and conveyed to the said Henry Duke of Newcastle as aforesaid but also to the title of other hereditaments the estate of the said William Cobb and the said William Cobb at the request of the said Henry Duke of Newcastle hath agreed to enter into the covenant for the production thereof unto or for the said Henry Duke of Newcastle his heirs or assigns as hereinafter is contained
The run-around drill sergeant of love meets the freeform radio nurse in an international popularity crisis. Twang, dub, noise, rockers, aliens, drum machines, foreigners, imported goods, songs, rumbles, hollers, blips and squiggles, along with an occasional musical number.
The Political Front. By an M.P. THE COALITION. Mr Lloyd George is one of those who readily respond to atmosphere and so when he addressed his Fel- low Liberals" at Manchester he yielded to a temptation which, it is no exaggration to say, has fluttered the Tory Dovecote no end. Mr Lloyd George, far from claim- ing to have been a good National leader regardless of party during these difficult times, maintained that he had been a good Liberal and went on to prove that every measure he has passed is a Liberal measure. In other words, he claims to have nh. lTOfl r>s f1 Party man and the inference is obvious that he has .spoofV-d his Unionist colleagues into abandoning all their principles in order that they may cry with one ac- cord, "Great is Lloyd George, out of whose hands we feed." FREE TRADE. Now when Mr George bacame Prime Minister, I am credibly in- formed that he told a deputation of the Tariff Reform League they could rely on him giving' protection to all British industries so long as he was not asked to put a duty on food- stuffs, yet he now proclaims him- self a Free Trader and explains to the Liberals of Manchester that his anti-dumping proposals are only in- tended to make the cause of Free Trade secure. Now opportunism may pay for a month or two but this kind of thing will not do. and it is hardly surpris- ing that Mr Lloyd George is losing supporters at the rate of at least one a week. This perpetual policy of making policy fit the audience of the moment is causing great disturbance at Westminster. Mr. George's majority is largely a Unionist majority, yet regardless of their principles lie is for Free Trade, for Home Rule, for subsidies, for the limitation of profits, for doles and every other policy which is obnoxi- ous to all except the most extreme Radicals and Socialists. It is evi- dent that Mr Bonar Law ltas-entereci into partnership in this policy of chance, but how Mr LJoyd George expects Unionist support at the nex! election I am at a loss to under- stand. PUSSvEYFOOT NOTIONS. A case in point oi Government drift is that of Liquor Control. A specific pledge was given by the Prime Minister that Liquor Control was a war measure to apply only to munition districts during the war. As a matter of fact, the methods oi extension of that control were of such a character as to make the original idea ridiculous, but now the Prime Minister seems inclined to extend the machinery as part of our peace time legislation. Now the liberties of the subject may be trifled with during war but I cannot see the British public sit- ting down to this intolerable inter- ference with their lives by a continu- ance of the backstair methods of the Control Board. If the Prime Minis- ter is a real Pusseyfoot, then let us have an honest Bill submitted to the electors, but the methods of the Control Board must cease. I A NATIONAL POLICY. What is needed above all is a real National Party founded upon real National principles, and no bettei programme could be advanced than that of the existing National Party. At one time many hoped that the Brime Minister, with true states- manship, would put himself at the head of a National Party but as he lives from hand to mouth and thrives on political expediency such a hope can be cherished no longer and the nation must look elsewhere for a leader. The best hope of the country lies in a union of all the more patriotic elements of the Unionist Party and those Liberals who have learnt the lessons of the war, along with the National Party. Let them combine and elect as a Uader an honest patriot who will seek only one end the safety, hon- our and strength of the British race. ALIENS. Lord Ampthill in the House of Lords made a powerful speech in support of the new clause that no I firm in this country should employ more than 25 per cent. of aliens. The Lord Chancellor, whose very definite declarations with regard to enemy aliens at the election will be remem- bered, advanced the startling con- tention that the furniture, tailoring and restaurant businesses in this country could not be carried on with- out alien labour. Lord Ampthill re- torted by asking if this was the policy of the Government, and the public will be interested to know whether it is now to be regarded as the accepted policy of the Govern- ment that these trades are to remain definitely in. the hands of aliens when half a million of our men and women aiv out of work. It is something that the National Party spokesman in the House of Lords, even although unsupported, has once more spoken the public mind. THE HUNS. There is a lot of sentimental tosh talked by people w ho ought to know better about. Germany entering the League of Nations at once and uni- versal love and brotherhood as the order of the day. It is incredible that when Ger- many has violated almost every pledge made at the Armistice thes? illusions should continue. Germany has only one aim and that is to win back by guile what she has lost by the sword. She intends to do this first by turning the Allies against each other and then getting complete domination over Russia, Our fatuous policy of deserting Rus- sia might indeed have been inspired by Ilindenburg; but let there be no delusion, if Russia is restored by Germany then a new war is inevit- able and this would be a war in which Germany would organise the whole of the man power and re- souces of Russia against England. Let us hope that before it is too late the British Empire will reverse the fatal policy of the betrayal of Russia and will give' full moral and diplo- matic support to the forces of law and order in that countrv. Meanwhile, let us realise that the Huns are not, and ever will be. vr brothers. Thev h^te us and to t:-lk spi)timenfi with Huns mflans our destruction 041b061a72